Why Alex Perry
on Fire?

By age 40, Alex Perry had sold more than $1 billion in real estate, ranking him No. 1 in Texas luxury and 19th overall in the United States. A resilient and successful entrepreneur, dealmaker, connector and keen investor, he was at the perceived top. When some significant obstacles shook the foundations of his personal life, he realized he needed to get fired up to make some real changes.

His real estate career was thriving, but he struggled to find balance and purpose outside of work. His priorities were out of sync. He launched the Alex Perry On Fire podcast to ignite real and raw conversations and to share them with others so they would know they weren’t alone—everyone has struggles.

The podcast serves as a beacon, urging us all to explore our true potential and purpose.

“The one thing I have learned is that people want to get real,” Alex says. “They are sick of surface conversations, and that’s what the podcast is about. My guests share insights that can create energy and growth in your life, no matter your background or history.”

Let’s journey together.